About Us

Overview of Company

mm domain calendar

Established In 2003

mm domain employees

90+ Employees

mm domain branch

Nay Pyi Taw Branch

Our History

Team Members

Managing Director

U Zaw Min Oo

General Manager

U Aung Kyaw Soe Oo

Chief Operation Officer (MTG)

Daw Thant Thiri Hlaing

NPT Branch Director

U Aung Si Thu

Director of Sales (Corporate DC)

Daw Kyawt Kay Khine

Deputy Chief Engineer

U Aung Phyo Pyae Kyaw

Chief Operation Officer (DC)

U Tay Zar Aung

O&M Manager

U Thet Ko Swe

Corporate Profile

Myanmar Technology Gateway(MTG) Co., Ltd, Accredited mm Domain Registrar, founded in 2003, ICT service and infrastructure provider in locally and globally, with a range backgrounds and areas of expertise.

We are committed to provide our customers with the highest level of service and support. Our primary strategy focuses around full service, concentrating on the use of technology to meet business objectives. By focusing on a project or team concept with a client centred service philosophy we provide the most comprehensive ICT services. Our full service system integration approach allows us to assist our clients as their technology partner. With this approach we truly are solution providers.



